is very excited about her newest project! Her seventh book goes in a different direction, but Meredith has had so much fun with this one. The book should be available by July 1st!
A Grandmother's Home Companion -
A Nostalgic Treasury of Seasons Past and Simpler Times
By Meredith Kennon
In days gone by, the rearing of large families and carving out lives without the modern conveniences of today, allowed little time or energy for the recording of thoughts and feelings. Those who did were few and far between. Even today, with all the technology at our disposal, journal-writing can be a daunting prospect, especially in our golden years. The task is not only enormous; it can also be bittersweet, encumbered by the awakening of unwelcome memories of difficult times. The aim of this book is to lessen the affects of the bitter and emphasize the recollections of the sweet. It is a memory-triggering collection of stories, quotes, and pieces of a simpler time. Whether read aloud to children or in private and in silence, this treasury seeks to release the ephemeral memories of childhood, that fleeting time of innocence and utter trust. Spaces are left throughout the book for the reader to note their own thoughts, memories, or impressions that come to mind while reading—notes that may very well prove priceless to the generations that follow. It's the perfect gift for the grandmother in your life.